Technos & Psyche, A Prelude is a long narrative-style poem that introduces Technos, superpower god of today’s technology, and Psyche, divinity of soul, and tells of their first encounters, placed in Santa Cruz, in the mythos of the poet. The poet himself enters the story in the last section. This narrative embodies probably the most important archetypal theme of the 21st Century. It is a highly visual poetic experience. The other poems provide reflection on our technological world.
You were first to inspire me—and how many songs
of the great Song my Tongue learned of You & sent forth,
encourage my Song to be written now—
Help me to articulate this critical & urgent theme of our day,
our transition between World Ages & the global contention
between two Powers: Modern rise of superpower Technos
& Its grandiose Plan
and New Age Divinity Psyche offering a Vision
of humanity’s healing
& of the most needful Integration between them.
pour into me the poet the Golden Art of Mythos,
help me now in the launch of this unending epic of evolution,
a Story that promises the widest sweeping of theme,
& explorations of extrapolated futurity opening to all Aquarian
dispensation possibilities.
Pour into me now the words, telling first of imposing Technos,
who or what this new Power is & Its Plan—
Begin Muse, help me to tell of this Vision I see…