Guidelines for Sales Tax Reporting

River Sanctuary Publishing makes it possible for you as an author to order quantities of books at wholesale cost to sell to your clients and customers in person, or from your own website.

When you sell your book to buyers in the State in which you live, you are subject to collecting and reporting sales tax in accordance with the laws of your State. Contact your state’s sales tax collection agency (if any) for information on the regulations for your state, including information on obtaining a resellers number/permit, if applicable.

RSP authors residing in the State of California:   Sales tax amount is determined by your city, county rate (to be found on the Board of Equalization website). When you sell books to buyers in the State of California, you are expected to track and pay taxes garnered from sales to the California State Board of Equalization at the appropriate time – usually at the end of each calendar year.

Consequently, if you plan to sell books from your personal inventory to buyers in the State of California, you will need to obtain a resale number/permit from the California Board of Equalization. You may do this online by contacting them at where you can apply online for a seller’s permit. They will issue the permit to you on request, at no charge.

Upon receiving your permit, please retain the original and mail a copy of the permit to River Sanctuary Publishing so we may have it in our files for California BOE inquiries. If you already have a seller’s permit, please provide us a copy by mail.

To summarize:

  • If you keep a supply of books in your possession for potential sale to customers in the State of California, you need to have a seller’s permit and report your sales tax collections to the BOE.
  • This does NOT apply to any books you sell outside of California. Non-California residents are not required to pay California Sales tax.
  • Sales tax on books sold to California residents through River Sanctuary Publishing’s websites, or on your book’s website connected with RSP, is collected and reported to the BOE by River Sanctuary Publishing.
  • If you live outside the state of California, you must research your state’s sales tax regulations and apply for a seller’s permit, if applicable.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at 831-335-7283.