The SIERRA SCARF was designed for unexpected emergency situations to equip the hiker, not only with a tool, but also with the essential life-saving information that is imprinted directly on the cloth. It measures 25 inches square and is made of 100% muslin cotton. It may be laundered without fear of fading, shrinkage, or loss of clarity. The scarf images and text are black on a colored background and comes in a choice of three colors.
Use it for:
Colorful scarf
Head bandanna
Emergency sling
Distress flag & amp signal
Hot pad
Liquid strainer
Helpful hints for emergency situations
Use it as a quick reference:
Medical Emergencies
Weather patterns
Essential knots
Water procurement
Food gathering
Evening sky chart
Fire building
Go to “Survival Tips” to see actual examples of essential information imprinted on scarf.
Packer’s 10+1 Essentials
- Map of area
- Compass
- Sunglasses
- Food
- Spare clothing
- Waterproof matches
- Fire starter (candle)
- Pocket knife
- First aid kit
- Flashlight, batteries, bulb
- Sierra Scarf