Psyche, Eros and Me: A Mythic Memoir


by Deanna McKinstry-Edwards, PhD

  • Size: 6 x 9
  • No. Pages: 118
  • Published: 2015
  • ISBN: 978-1-935914-63-1


The main advantage of this myth (Psyche and Eros) is that it speaks to all times, and so to our times too when the need of the soul is for love and the need of Eros is for Psyche.

—James Hillman, The Myth of Analysis

morpho2“One blustery day in Carmel, the story of two mythical beings blew into my life. Psyche and Eros. Stories often find us when we need them. At a time when much was disappearing and falling apart in my life, the story of Psyche and Eros became a soul map. Like Psyche, I, too, was searching for my Beloved Eros, and for the recovery of instinctual passions that would bring an authentic vitality and creativity to my life as a woman and artist. Engaging the death defying tasks Psyche must accomplish to behold Eros once again, her tale became a powerful guide for the journey a woman often takes to discover and sustain a deepening sense of self and sovereignty, and a voice she can call her own.”
