Ron Lampi, a “poet’s poet”, added some 30 pages of new poetic pieces to create the 2nd edition of this tribute to the art of poetry first published in 2013. This little book is a treatise celebrating the devotion and sacrifice inherent in the true poet’s calling.
The Poet’s Knowing
In the stillness, in the silence,
in your precious moments of solitude,
so many voices come to you,
they nudge your attention,
they have so much to share with you—
You listen. You are open.
The world comes alive for you—
Yes, the world will speak in poetry,
little do others know,
but you who listens to voices
that others cannot hear, know
that the world IS poetry.
You listen. You are open.
You jot down the words & lines
you hear…
See Excerpt tab for a longer taste of this sweet work…
About the Author
Ron Lampi is a visionary New Age philosopher-poet, writer, and astrologer. Over the years, he has lectured on various subjects, and has been a facilitator of discussion groups. His published works thus far are only the beginning of the many manuscripts he has yet to publish. The massive project The Mythos is already composed of a number of books. He has lived in Santa Cruz, California, at The Edge, for over 40 years.
A self-taught poet/artist, he draws upon his life experience to reflect on the virtues and struggles of everyday life.
Poetry has ever been
The Moon prepared a Melody,
and a scene was set for the moment—
Eye & Ear were ready,
& the Tongue,
the Goddess’s sweet instrument.
Poetry has ever been
& will ever be—
When the Moon prepares,
and the moment is heightened sensation,
some poet, somewhere,
has an Eye & Ear ready,
& a willing Tongue for dictation.