Call of the Goddess
I Am that which emanates all manner of life,
moon, dancing stars, abundant earth,
ocean’s depth to match my heart.
I pierce the void and multiply variety innumerable.
I am love without condition for I am all that is.
Every act of love celebrates my spirit.
I am guidance, sanctuary, your highest Self;
I am the way Home.
Hear my call and come to me for
we’ve been separated only in dreams.
The Goddess is the universal Womb of Becoming, the omniscient Great Cosmic Mother, the Creatrix of all things, God the Mother, the Divine Feminine Principal. She is both primordial and eternal, forming and reforming materiality through the three gunas: tamas (darkness), rajas (activity), and sattva (beingness). She incubates Life, creating all manner of manifestation, in all cycles of Being.
The characteristics of the Divine Feminine are part of each and every one of us. We are infinitely capable of embodying Mother Divine’s qualities of compassion, sustenance and unconditional love. Male or female, balancing yin (female energy) and yang (male energy) helps generate a grounded person with their whole brain functioning.
This Goddess Coloring Book is a form of active prayer that each one of us be graced by Goddess with happiness and personal fulfillment. As we consider the goddess in the drawing, we embody aspects of her energy by focusing our attention.
Coloring is a form of stress release. A creative enterprise that produces result is satisfying as it elicits a good feeling and a sense of accomplishment. I welcome you to indulge your creative play as you color these images. The best coloring tools for these images are colored pencil, gel pens, and media that is not water soluble. Water media may buckle the paper. I recommend placing a piece of card stock behind the coloring page. Enjoy!
Melanie Gendron
Thank you . . .
Dearly beloved Cassandra, for the honor of being your mother, and for your indomitable Spirit, your beauty, creativity, outrageous humor, and the love we shared throughout your life and beyond. You were and continue to be in spirit a valued daughter, friend, treasured model, and inspirational muse.
Annie Elizabeth, for encouragement and treasured friendship. The Goddess Coloring Book was your request and inspiration. You help me believe in my Self.