Voices From Within, Book two, examines three topics, first the Dilemma of the Third Dimension, the dimension that we call reality. Here Weiss asks the questions, How do approach the suffering of others? of natural tragedies in the world? What is your role? He addresses what it means to be a part of this world, but not of this world.
The second essay is entitled The Spiritual Laws of Opportunity which focuses on the fact that opportunity is the new equality. Along with Abraham Maslow, Weiss looks at his own suggestions of what the spiritual laws of opportunity mean to all of us. He postulates that there is nothing so unequal as the equal treatment of unequals.
The final essay in Book two is a treatise on Enlightenment! Is it possible to become “enlightened” in one’s lifetime? Here Weiss explores the traditional definitions of the term while suggesting the paths to enlightenment are somewhat clear if we are paying attention.