Things to consider and begin preparing (if you haven’t already done so…)
You may wish to include any or all of the following in your book:
Preface and/or Introduction
Table of Contents
Photos or other black-and-white images… How many? _____ (see Step 10)
Special design elements and/or pages, e.g., chapter first page, exercises, text insets
Running header / Page Numbers – how should those read; where should they be placed?
Note: Running header is optional. Standard running header has the book title on the left-hand page header and the chapter title on the righthand page header. Or, it can have the book title on the left-hand page and author name on the righthand page. The page number can be included in the header at the top of the page, or it can be placed at the bottom of the page. Look at some books and decide what you like!
References or Bibliography
Material borrowed from other books (you must apply for permission to reprint copyrighted material longer than a short quote)
About the Author/other books by you/other services you offer/how to order books from your website etc.
Reviews or endorsements (in addition to those included on the cover)